Next I went and did my pee test* ...Such a sad statement that it is required, but in actuality as I have talked about before there is a disturbing percentage of healthcare workers who "self medicate"---On a sad side note, this week a nurse I have worked with for years was fired for being high.. she is currently in the HPS program *** Health Professional Services (HPS) is a confidential program for chemically impaired health professionals. HPS ensures early entry into recovery for the impaired practitioner while providing maximal protection of the public safety *** But the challenge of sobriety was too much and she relapsed. I wish her the best and am THANKFUL I have never had to battle that demon.
*My test was of course (-)
Last night I went to #1 ER to bring a latte to a nurse friend working a late shift, since I do not have my badge yet I sat in the waiting room till she could let me thru to the back...if I had any concerns that I was going to miss out on the murky gene pool that rural ER served they were completely eliminated... This job is going to be fun
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