Thursday, October 30, 2008

Stethoscope...Danskos..Taser.. ready for work!

Once again ER Nurse is working way too many shifts.. we have been crazy busy and flu season hasn't even begun yet...Here is a snippet of some events that has ER Nurse proposing routine tasing just to make me feel better.

23yo M in for asthma crying on his gurney because his O2 probe was "Too Tight".

19yo M with Fx ankle from skateboarding who reports not wearing a helmet because the "Type" of skateboarding he does doesn't require a helmet...

24yo M Jehovah Witness in for abd pain who refuses blood draws because of his religion...

26yo M who only drinks "a couple" quad shot lattes a day in with SVT- Heart rate- 268

The Fs on state assistance who come in 2 weeks late on their periods with "Abd Pain" for their "free" pregnancy test, then come back at 16 weeks for "Abd Pain" for their "Free" ultrasound to find out the sex of their baby. ---Since me the tax payer has to pay for all this "Free" care I think I should have a say in the tests ordered...right?!

The parents who bring in their feverish infant daughters but refuse my In/Out cath for urine... because then their dtrs won't be Virgins anymore.

78yo F brought in by concerned dtr who was afraid her mom "Might" get pneumonia this year.

21yo M brought in by mom after smoking marijuana for the 1st time and not acting himself.


Somenurse said...

HA!! Love it! I am amazed by the shit some people come in for! Really, people, really, you have nothing better to do. I agree with a very astoud nurisng student friend of mine "we should make all medicaid patients pay off their medical bills in community service. I know they don't have money but what most have is free time cause they sure as hell don't work! I purpose that for every hundred or two-hundred dollars they rack up they owe an hour of service. That will make them think twice about abusing the system!"

I am all about this idea. Support it hook line and sinker!!

Unknown said...

OMG. I'd want to tase them, too.

This really got me, tho: "The parents who bring in their feverish infant daughters but refuse my In/Out cath for urine... because then their dtrs won't be Virgins anymore."

Aside from not knowing what constitutes virginity, why don't these parents know the difference between a vagina and a urethra? That's like basic health class 101.