Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Quickest way to bring an ER to a standstill and tons of firefighters come running with bunker gear on at 1:32 am.... Burnt Toast. Poor nurse she was so embarrassed.... and the firefighters.. weren't too amused either....


Anonymous said...

132am toast, YUM! haha. Didn't they issue you with sandwich presses instead of toasters because of that? It's a bugger the smoke alarms aren't tuned to recognised well cooked toast as opposed to an actual fire.

Drama>Trauma said...

The last hospital I worked at banned microwaved popcorn because the staffed couldn't figure how not to burn it and the fire dept threaten them with fines for so many "false alarms". Amazing we are smart enough to save lives but not to cook toast and popcorn..haha

Anonymous said...

Just to let ya's OOPS not OPPS
Sorry, just burned out today and a tidge testy....

Drama>Trauma said...

Thanks Steve I made the correction..damn spellcheck doesn't check the title. That is what I get for trying to write my blogs on my lunch break.